Wilko IPA Homebrew
Product Description
Brew your own at home with our IPA Home Brewing Kit. The kit contains all the main ingredients to create a light and hoppy IPA, just add sugar and water. Full instructions are included on the pack and in just 21 days you'll have 40 pints of IPA.
What's in the pack?
Inside the kit is everything you need ingredients wise, this consists of the beer wort and a sachet of yeast
On top of this you will need 1kg of brewing sugar which can be bought from Wilkos too
On top of this you will need 1kg of brewing sugar which can be bought from Wilkos too
Where to buy
Equipment needed to prepare/brew (Click the images for more info)
A secondary bucket is also needed, you can get these on ebay for around £10. Wilko don't sell them, you could however use another of the fermenters above as they already have taps.
Equipment needed to bottle/store
When your beer has fermented you have 2 choices, store in a keg or bottle. If you want to keep your beer for long periods its best to bottle the beer. If however you are having a party and want to use the beer in a week you can use a keg. This is quicker and a lot easier! below is what you need for the bottling stage
how to make
I’ve made the video below to show how to make the beer. And another below that to show how to bottle the beer
One thing that’s really really important is to sterilise any equipment before it comes into contact with the beer, I forgot to mention it in the video about the spoon!
One thing that’s really really important is to sterilise any equipment before it comes into contact with the beer, I forgot to mention it in the video about the spoon!